AJAX and New Template engine in ASP.NET4.0

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The AJAX functionality in ASP.NET 4.0 enables new client data scenarios for page and component developers that allow JSON data from the server to be rendered as HTML in a highly manageable and efficient way. To enable these scenarios, ASP.NET 4.0 includes the following major features:

1. Client-side template rendering.
2. Declarative instantiation of client-side behaviors and controls.
3. Live data binding.
4. Use of the observer pattern with JavaScript types.
5. An AdoNetServiceProxy class for client-side interaction with ADO.NET Data Services.
6. A client-side DataView control for data-bound UI in the browser.
7. DataContext and AdoNetDataContext classes for interaction with Web services.
8. Refactored ASP.NET AJAX framework libraries.

ASP.NET 4.0 includes a new template engine for client development that meets the following requirements:

* Performance — The engine must be able to render a typical number of items using a reasonably complex template before users perceive an interruption in their interaction with the application.
* Simplicity — The template syntax must be very readable and must be optimized for the most common scenario, namely one-way/one-time binding.
* Expression language — Templates must support an expression language to go beyond the simplest cases. The expression language should use familiar syntax, ideally JavaScript syntax.
* Interspersed code and markup — It must be possible to perform conditional rendering or to loop over markup by using code that surrounds HTML.
* XHTML compliance — The template should be able to render XHTML-compliant markup.
* Components — When using the template syntax, the developer must be able to instantiate client-side controls and behaviors that attach to HTML elements in the page or within templates.

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